It is one thing to say but a sure 'nother to do. Do you know what it means to trust? "Adhere to, rely upon....have faith in". Yup, that is what is means to trust God. To "not worry" and trust that He is in control is the greatest but toughest lesson, I have ever learned.... for His teaching never stops. :D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The first thing to go will need to be the nails. The need to read and write with speed ...will require this. So will the need for more....time? Please. All I seem to think about lately is time...time running out for so many. I know I want to live for something that will outlast time. Him. I want to live for God, my sweet God. But what am I waiting for? My eternity has begun. I am already walking with Him. This is very close to what Heaven....will be like... walking in the presence of the only real God. The difference? We will have finally left behind pain....and all its sisters....fear, disease, death, pride, jealousy, envie, insecurity...and most of all...need. We will have no more need. What a day that will be. Until then, I ponder the needs of this life and ....that which I have no need.